Facebook and WhatsApp

Before the collapse of Wall Street you would have rarely read an article in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times Business Section, SUCCESS Magazine or any other serious business publications discuss the importance of "soft skills" and relationship building. The past few years have seen the topic of "soft skills" and relationship building appear more frequently because companies are increasingly more cognizant of the value of developing and sustaining relationships with both their clients/customers and their employees.
Facebook was in competition with Google to acquire WhatsApp. A main reason WhatsApp chose Facebook over Google is because the CEOs of Facebook and WhatsApp had developed a relationship while hiking together over the past few years. What more proof could one possibly need to believe the ability to build relationships is tantamount to success in business (and life)?
Following are 4 easy steps to increase your "soft skills" for relationship building in your business.

1. Ask people about themselves

. Most people love to talk about themselves. Therefore, when you are at work, on a business trip or communicating electronically with clients and colleagues, ask them about themselves before launching into a business conversation. People will much prefer to talk about themselves, their kids, their hobbies etc., than hear anything you have to say about yourself or life. In Dale Carnegie's classic book: How to Win Friends and Influence People, he discusses "6 Ways to Make People Like You." One is to "become genuinely interested in other people," and another is to "be a good listener." Therefore, encourage others to talk about themselves. Since most people like to tell stories and be heard, your interest in listening makes you a person people enjoy being around. Isn't it true we prefer to do business with people we know and like?
2. SMILE. 

 This technique for building positive relationships with others cannot be any simpler. While smiling, make sure you are not complaining. No one wants to work with or spend time with people who complain. People prefer to be with positive happy people, not whiners.
3. Be Respectful of others and their opinions.

  Unless it adds value to the conversation, keep your criticisms to yourself. Dale Carnegie wrote: "Show respect for the other person's opinions. Refrain from saying: "You're wrong." It only puts people on the defensive. Nobody wants to be around a "know-it-all."
4. Be Positive

 and look at the glass as half full. Give people the benefit of the doubt when things go wrong and try to find the good even in a bad situation. Who doesn't want to be around people who are the eye in the calm of the storm?
The four tips written above will help you develop positive relationships with those you work with - and those you live with!

How to Make Your Cat Love Getting Groomed

Regularly grooming your cat can help reduce hair ball problems and can ensure that your cat's coat continues to look healthy and beautiful. However, not all cats enjoy getting groomed. Some love being brushed and can even get a little bit demanding about their regular grooming time. Geisha, my long hair calico is very vocal about this.... trust me. Others would prefer to keep their distance from the brush permanently.

So, grooming a cat can be difficult. But even a resistant cat can be taught to enjoy grooming. The key is to utilize the cat's enjoyment of human contact. The most aloof cat enjoys some great periods of petting, but some have parts of their body that are more sensitive, and they don't want to be touched, especially not with a brush.

Understand Your Cat's Reluctance
Before you can change your cat's negative attitude towards grooming, you need to understand what causes it. First, you should realize that cats, just like people, have sensitive parts in their bodies. The cat may have been injured at some point or maybe just does not like being touched in a specific area. This is why it's important to know your cat before you begin grooming. If you know which parts of your cat's body are sensitive, you can avoid those areas and still provide what he or she needs.

If you bring a new cat home that hasn't had a lot of grooming before, you may want to work slowly and get her used to it. Spend a few minutes each day stroking or brushing your cat gently and make sure to give her some type of reward afterward. You want her to think the grooming is pleasurable. Avoid any trouble spots as much as possible, too.

Another issue that might cause your cat's reluctance to submit to grooming is a dominant personality. When cats have dominant personalities, they might refuse to let you touch some parts of their body touched as well, particularly the head and neck. Now, if you're not sure whether your cat is resisting because he or she is nervous or dominant, think about some of your cat's other traits:
  • Does the cat make direct eye contact with you?
  • Does your cat jump on people as a way of showing affection?
  • Does your cat not like to be in a "down" position?
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, your cat is probably dominant.As I mentioned above, the key here is to help your cat enjoy being groomed. To do this, you have to first figure out how long your cat takes to get upset by your actions. Pay attention to his body language. As soon as you start feeling him get tense, stop. The key is to spend a small amount of time doing the grooming, and stopping just before your cat passes that threshold, this way, you can continue showing him that grooming is a pleasant experience.
Here are a few additional tips to help your cat love being groomed:
  • Do the grooming sessions before feeding your cat so you can use the food as a reward and as a way to bond with your cat
  • Let the cat play with the comb if he or she wants to
  • Alternate brushes with the comb and strokes with your hand to help your cat feel more at ease
  • Set your grooming sessions in the afternoon when your cat is most relaxed
  • Talk to him or her while you brush, this will also serve as a bonding experience

How Do I Get to the Top of Google Search Listings?

 When it comes to using the Internet the first thing someone will do if they need to find something is Google it. The Internet search engine has become such a phenomenon that the companies name has turned into a verb action. In other words when you say Google it is no longer just the company name but a process by which you look for something online.

If you have a website the best way to obtain customers or visitors or to get as close to the top of Google search results as you possibly can. Studies have shown the closer you are to the top of Google search results the more likely someone will click the link to go to your website.

Now that you know some of the basics, the million dollar question is, how do you get at or near the top of those search results? Well, there are a few things you can do that Google looks favorably upon when the famous and top secret Google algorithm runs.

The first thing is how long has your website been around. The longer the better is always the case. Google looks favorably upon websites that have been around awhile. There really is no secret here; you just have to let the website exist in order gain more steam in this area.

The second thing you can do is add content to your website that is related to what your website is about. In other words if you sell power tools, add an article or two a day to a content area on your site that is related to power tools. Google looks favorably upon content because it gives them keywords to look at and index.
Another method is to partake in discussions on message boards and other social networks that are in relation to your website and make sure your signature line has a link back to your website. This creates content on the web with your link in it and the more active a discussion topic is the more likely your link will appear and that also helps push your website towards the top.

You can contact other website owners that run sites that compliment your web business and ask to exchange links with them. For instance, using our example of selling power tools, you can contact a store that sells woodworking patterns and ask them if they would like to exchange links. The way this works is, you put a link and information about their site on your site and they do the same for you. Google looks favorably upon website pointing back to other sites especially if they are in some kind of categorical relationship.

One final thing you can do is partake in an article marketing campaign for your website, where you write helpful articles about what your website is about, post those articles on article directory websites with a link back to your site and let their visitors come to you. This creates content exposure, credibility and more links to your website, all of which Google loves.

I never said it would not take some work on your part to get to the top of the Google search rankings, but with a little persistence and dedication you can be there in no time.

When Children Ask, "Is Santa Claus Real", Welcome the Opportunity to Truly Relate to Your Child

At this particular time of the year many children begin to question certain details of stories they have heard and come to believe relative to Santa Claus or Father Christmas, Saint Nikolaus, or Papa Noel as he is called in some languages.

"Is Santa Claus Real", "Mama do you believe in Santa", "Why doesn't Santa come to my house each year", or "How does Santa bring gifts to all the children of the world", are just some of the questions children seek answers to once they begin to recognize details that just don't add up anymore.

When this pivotal moment arises, it is of utmost importance that adults have an authentic conversation that will help children transition smoothly between myth and reality without injuring the child's fragile ability to reason a folks tale meant to keep the true spirit of care and appreciation for life alive in heart's and mind's everywhere.

For those ready to have this conversation perhaps a story recently posted on the website life-story-treasures.org entitled "The Untold Story of a Spirit Named Klaus" will present a valuable story resource that will help children understand that "Yes, the spirit of Santa Claus is real. It is seen in many forms, is constantly changing yet always the same", which does not take away from the wonder and magic of envisioning a caring and thoughtful person who lives hidden from the world in a place where tokens of love and appreciation come forth in answer to the wishes and dreams children envision.

Expanding a child's ability to truly understand and accept the spirit of Christmas which lives in us all, keeps whatever vision the child might have intact yet speaks authentically to the reality that not just one individual's acts of kindness is representative of the Christmas spirit. Indeed this spirit that has many names, one of which is Santa Claus. It represents different ways to identify and establish a connection to various cultural beliefs and traditions practiced around the world.

Always encourage a child's ability and desire to imagine and embrace heartwarming, creative resources that reflect the spirit of Christmas, whatever these may be. However, as the adult in the relationship also be willing to address inquiries that one day will arise relative to whatever vision the child may have conjured-up in their mind's eye. At some point we all want to know the difference between fiction and reality. Authentic storytelling encourages imagination that doesn't deny that the spectrum of truth includes multiple factors all of which belong to aspects of reasoning that strengthens our fragility; reflective of how we view life and the world around us.